Edward Asafu Adjaye, often known as “Deezydothis,” has apologized publicly on Twitter following allegations of sexual misconduct.
It starts with, “This apology is long overdue.” “I sincerely apologize for everything and am deeply ashamed of myself. The statement went on to say, “I did not conduct myself in a decent manner at all, and that behavior is not acceptable from me or anyone else for that matter.
Deezy was accused of sexual harassment on Twitter by several women, which led to the apologies. Many victims spoke about their terrible encounters with him in the #OurExperiences Twitter space. This included instances of sending naughty photos without consent.
— Edward Elohim (@deezydothis) September 14, 2022
According to a press release from Afrochella in reaction to the accusations, Deezy resigned as festival president and an independent inquiry was started.
A promise to improve is made as the apology comes to a close: “I will dedicate myself to being much more respectful and thoughtful in all my encounters.
I owe each and every one of you much better, and that’s all I intend to work for going forward.